Archive for 'Health Care Law'

Five Basic Tax Tips for New Businesses

Five Basic Tax Tips for New Businesses

If you start a business, one key to success is to know about your federal tax obligations. You may need to know not only about income taxes but also about payroll taxes. Here are five basic tax tips that can help get your business off to a good start.

1. Business Structure.

  As you start out, you’ll need to choose the structure of your business. Some common types include sole proprietorship, ...

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The Individual Shared Responsibility Payment – An Overview

The Individual Shared Responsibility Payment – An Overview

 Starting January 2014, you and your family must either have health insurance coverage throughout the year, qualify for an exemption from coverage, or make a payment when you file your 2014 federal income tax return in 2015. Many people already have qualifying health insurance coverage and do not need to do anything more than maintain that coverage in 2014.

 Qualifying coverage includes coverage provided by your employer, health insurance you purchase in the Health Insurance ...

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Four Tax Facts About The Health Care Law For Individuals

Four Tax Facts About The Health Care Law For Individuals

There are a few basic tips to keep in mind about the new health care law. Health insurance choices you make now, may affect the income tax return you file in 2015.

1. Most people already have qualified health insurance coverage and will not need to do anything more than maintain qualified coverage throughout 2014.

2. If you do not have health insurance through your job or a government plan, you may be able to buy it through ...

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